Coming Summer 2024: How to Swindle a Scoundrel
Summer 2024
Swing into a new Adventure
Up to now Xin-yi has avoided many things, inclement weather, awkward conversation, missing her tea. She is a creature of comfort, but when her greatest treasure is stolen, threatening the home she's made there is only one reasonable choice: to brave the ugly world and get her treasure back. It's just unfortunate that in order to do that she needs the help of the smuggler who brought the thieves to her village in the first place, a scoundrel they call The River Serpent.
Shiraz isn't fond of the woman who called her and Makoa scum, insulted her ship, and is now demanding her assistance, without ready pay. But she has a few ideas for how to take revenge. But the trip to retrieve this "princess's" treasure is going to be a bit more than either of them planned on.

Easy going con-artist, thief, and smuggler. Cursed to "never take my own form, or speak my name until I learn the meaning of love and earn a true love's kiss as well."

Sarcastic world traveler, thief, smuggler and avid reader. A run over fighting, steal over asking, argue with words over fists sort of woman.

A "perky, positive princess" orphan, war widow, and mystery author of Immortal Hunger. A creature of comfort in her ordinary life it seemed to Xinyi that criminals with a magic boat ought to be getting into all sorts of trouble and having a grand time of it.
So...she'll just have to make sure that they do!

Don't miss out, preorder your copy of this ridiculous fantasy romp today!
All preorders receive a free art print, a letter from the author and a some surprise goodies.